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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dayton, Dancing, & Dairy Farms: our weekend in Ohio

This weekend was busy but fun for me & Lisa.

On Friday after work, I came home and called my sister Kristin and we made plans for her and her partner Carrie to come over and watch the TV show Heroes. We usually watch it together at our house during the week, but this week we had everyone over to watch the 2nd Presidential Debate. So instead, we recorded it and had them over again Friday and ordered a pizza and watched the 2 episodes we had missed during the last 2 weeks.

On Saturday Lisa and I had to wake up early and drive over to Dayton Ohio for our friend Tim's wedding. I went to college in Dayton and met Tim while I was living there so I've known him for a long time. His brother Joe is another close friend of ours and it was great to see him as well. We got to the church early and in time to chat with some friends before the wedding started.

Afterwards, everyone headed over to the reception which was held in a converted warehouse downtown. It was beautiful; the ceilings were probably 25 ft high with giant wood beams spanning the width of the building. Along the walls and between the centerposts were photos of the building as it appeared during what looked like the '30s - '40s. We sat at a big table with our friends Brandy, Eric and Jeremiah, and we all caught up on what we've been up to lately. After dinner, Lisa and some friends danced while my friend Joe and I talked, and then Lisa and I shared a slow dance to Marvin Gaye.

Later on, we watched as one of Tim's groomsmen shared an incredibly sweet dance with his newborn daughter and Lisa took some amazing photos of them together. It made me so anxious/excited/hopeful that someday soon I might be able to have a special moment like that with my child. We said our goodbyes to everyone at around 11:30pm and then started back to our hotel.

We woke up on Sunday morning and made plans to meet my friend Stacie for brunch at a place called Young's Dairy, which is a big restaurant/farm/petting zoo in a town just outside of Dayton called Yellow Springs. After our meal Lisa & I shared a bowl of mint chocolate chip, cookie dough, and cotton candy ice-cream and then we went outside to the petting zoo. Lisa pet some pigs and fed a goat while Stacie and I talked about her job and caught up on life. We liked watching all the little kids sitting on the haystack waiting to have their pictures taken, or trying to carry pumpkins (that probably weighed nearly as much as they did) from the pumpkin patch. We can't wait to take our child to places like this!

We hit the road and got back home by 6pm. Lisa edited some pictures from the weekend as I wrote this blog and now we're going to sit down and eat a late dinner together. Tomorrow is a Federal Holiday (Columbus Day) so I have the day off work! I'm driving over to my grandma's house in Columbus in the morning to have lunch with her and my mom. This week we are having a bunch of friends over on Wednesday to watch the 3rd and final Presidential Debate. Friday is my regular day off, so I'll probably go visit my grandma again then too. Woohoo, 3 day work week!

posted by Steven 7:01 PM
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